Dear, Pippa Hi, My name is Sharlena I am nuien but I was born up in new zealand. MY birthday is in January 12 2006 . Now I’m going to start answering your questions. So what is my favorite animal is a Bunny,liger and a Kitty cat. In my spare time I like to play never ending tag, Dancing and singing.. I can play a marimba because, at our school we have a music room and we go every monday a week for an hour.. Well I use to have a puppy her name was chi chi but she ran away so I’m gonna ask my mum to buy me a bunny on my birthday since I like bunnies :D. I have 3 brothers and 2 sister Older sister is Jacinda.Mckayla,Cypress,Me Sharlena,Kingston and last but not least Dekovyn. I have 3 nephews and 1 niece that is due in december I was so happy that I have a niece in december. I live with my aunty my other aunty my mum my brother and his girlfriend, my sister and my nephew and my 5 cousins, we sometimes have arguments but we get back together as a family. My favorite song is Sorry by Justin Bieber and fight song Rachel Platten. Where abouts do you live? We don’t snow in new zealand do you snow in Canada? Do you support the silver ferns because I do? What school do you go to? How far do you live from your school? Do you have any friends? Do you have any nephews or nieces? What do you do at school? Who do you play with at school? What do you do at home? Who do you play with at home? What do you like playing? Do you have your hair up or down? Do you like your friends? What songs do you like? What Singer do you like?