Chapter one Shar Hi my name is Shar and I am 6 years old I have one sister her name is Sharnell we both go to owairaka school I am in room 7. My birthday is in december the 11.
Hi my name is Sharnell I am 9 years old I go to Owairaka school I have one sister.Her name is Shar she is so annoying.
Chapter two Going to school Me and Shar jumped out of the car. I “say were late Shar hurry run wait we didn't say bye to mum”. Who cares we say bye to mum all the time. “Come on I say bye I already got my late ticket bye need to go to class”. What do we do at school Well me and Sharnell don’t play with each other we play with our own friend. If we don’t want to play with our friends we go and find each other.
Chapter three What are our friends name Shar’s friends name’s Jessica Anna Lucy Sophie Elzibeth Rebecca Soup Ella I have two fiends their name is Anna but I don’t play with her Sharnell’s frieinds An Anna blue lol Liz Shater Lilly.
Chapter four What do we play at home Well we have our own laptops so we just vs each other on this paper scissors rock game and sometimes we just go on any games when we get tired. We will somtimes we go to my cousins house to play with my older cousins or smaller cousin.
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